Saturday, August 02, 2008


You know that you have not done something enough when you go there and find that the procedure for entering has changed. Today I decided to start paragraph blogging again. I have phrase blogged every day for a month now. The phrase blog is now a very complete list of events taking place in my life with a substantial element of reflection. I decided that I needed even more reflection as well as a fuller explanation of the events.
I came back here to to find that I had not posted in 22 months. OOPS.
I decided to log-in and look around. It turns out that in the last two years (sometime), Blogger has been acquired by Google (swallowed up, more specifically).
It took me a good 20 minutes to get the right credentials to even login to the new Google based system.
But I got in and I'm back to blogging. Now I just need to look around to see what the Google element of the system will provide. Have they made Blogger MORE useful? Can it be used to record my biography more easily? Will it make me MORE likely to actually post?
Firefox auto corrects spelling errors. Finally I can type a blog and have the spell check actually work like a word processor! This might be great!


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